webber says hello!

Whether you found my website from clicking on a link or purely by chance, greetings!

I use this webpage as a way to share the things I make in my spare time, saving it from rotting away in a file cabinet or on a hard drive somewhere. So, take a look around! You might find something that peaks your interest.

Although my college classes don't grant me much personal time, I try and update this website as often as I can. If you like what you see, be sure to bookmark this page and check back occasionally!

Also, you can send me an email at twofour AT disroot DOT org. Don't be shy! Feel free to message me questions, comments, or let me know if you found a broken link.

What's the latest?

Webber + Site
#011 | 05-21-24

It's been a while, hasn't it? Did you miss me? Because I kinda missed you :)

I'll be completely transparent with you: this year has been really rough on me, physically and mentally. I got really ill around January of this year, which put a lot of strain on me and my family. It took me a month to recover in the dead of winter, and I felt really awful every day for months after that. This, combined with the stress of a difficult semester and other factors I won't mention lead to me being diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). As someone who has no genetic predisposition for mental disorders, and has never been diagnosed with anything like this before, it came as quite a shock.

As of today, I'm in good physical health, and I'm currently speaking with a therapist weekly.

However, just because I was a bit under the weather for months doesn't mean I have nothing to show for it!

Today's update includes a lot of photos I had taken during this time to keep myself occupied, as well as previously unreleased photos from months before. Also, have you noticed the two new tabs in the navbar? The About page has a bit of lore on how Webbersite came to be, and the Articles page has a quick tutorial on something I found how to do by sheer luck.

Hopefully you'll enjoy these additions to Webbersite. I won't make any promises on when I'll be back, but if things go according to plan, it won't be another six months from now.

Also, side note: thank for 11,000 page views! I was surprised to see that I had broken the 10k mark when I started work on this update, but to see it climb past 11k as I'm writing this warms my heart.

— Webber

Changelog: Webbersite v4.1.0

Life List
#003 | 05-21-24

This year, spring in the northeast has brought more than just a change in weather. I've seen more American Robins in the past few months than I've seen... maybe ever. Luckily for me, the timing could not be more impeccible. With my fancy-schmancy telephoto lens, the glory of these attentive birds can be delivered in crystal clear quality right to your monitor!

In other (potentially more exciting) news, a pair of robins has decided to make a nest in a bush in my front yard, not fifteen feet from the front door! I already took some pictures of the little hatchlings (there's three!), but I'm going to hold off posting them for now. It took me almost two weeks to push Webbersite v4.1.0 out, and I need a break...

#002 | 05-21-24

Twenty one.

That's how many photos I've added to the Photography page!

In addition, each photo now has camera settings, as well as a more memorable title and a bit of background info on where and how the shot was taken. Hopefully it will inspire you to take some pictures of your own, be it with your own DSLR or just your phone camera. Get creative!

Older updates can be found here.

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