webber says hello!

Whether you arrived at this webpage from word of mouth, clicking on a link, or by pure chance, greetings!

My name is Webber. Or rather, that's the username I use as my alias here on NeoCities. I use this website as an easy way to share my hobbies and interests with others. So, take a look around! You might find something that peaks your interest. I try and update this website as often as I'm able to. So if you like what you see at least a little bit, be sure to bookmark this page and check back every now and then! No pressure.

Oh, and, before you go, you can send me an email at twofour AT disroot DOT org. Or, if email isn't your thing, you can leave a message in the chat box to the right. Feel free to send me questions, comments, or just to let me know if you found a broken link or a typo somewhere.

Alright, off you go! Happy websurfing!

What's the latest?

Webber + Site
#013 | 03-18-25

Hello again! I apologise for not adding anything new to the site in almost a year. Things have been very "low key" for months now, and a chilly northeastern winter didn't help. I did some new birds here and there, but I haven't been going out of doors much.

I did, however, make a bunch of changes to the site that I've been tinkering with for a while now, including a theme switcher! Which is something that I've always wanted to implement but could never figure out how to do... until now. If you're an aspiring webmaster, feel free to look in the linked CSS and JS files. I left a few comments here and there with more details.

Also, today's my birthday, so that's nice. ALSO also, thanks for 19,000 views! Not like there's much to see here, but I appreciate it.

— Webber


Life List
#003 | 05-21-24

This year, spring in the northeast has brought more than just a change in weather. I've seen more American Robins in the past few months than I've seen... maybe ever. Luckily for me, the timing could not be more impeccible. With my fancy-schmancy telephoto lens, the glory of these attentive birds can be delivered in crystal clear quality right to your monitor!

In other (potentially more exciting) news, a pair of robins has decided to make a nest in a bush in my front yard, not fifteen feet from the front door! I already took some pictures of the little hatchlings (there's three!), but I'm going to hold off posting them for now. It took me almost two weeks to push Webbersite v4.1.0 out, and I need a break...

#002 | 05-21-24

Twenty one.

That's how many photos I've added to the Photography page!

In addition, each photo now has camera settings, as well as a more memorable title and a bit of background info on where and how the shot was taken. Hopefully it will inspire you to take some pictures of your own, be it with your own DSLR or just your phone camera. Get creative!

Older updates can be found here.

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